Make Some Space for New Hair Gels

Make Some Space for Hair Gels

Just when I thought every product we ever needed has been produced, in abundance. Here comes the problem. My go-to hair gel has been Eco Styling Gel for as long as I can remember. The ability for the gel to transition from a gooey, soft consistency, to hard made me want to unpack the ingredients. Petroleum. One of the many ingredients includes petroleum. I did even more digging and sadly found that most other gel products also contain petroleum, essentially. I’m not going to lie, uncovering this made me want to create my own hair gel, one that is less disruptive to the endocrine system. Starting now, I am on a mission to find products that align more with the simplicity that I am to uncover. Thankfully, I recently discovered hair gel by Bread Beauty Supply and am hopeful. 

I recently tried it out on a fresh set of cornrows and wasn’t disappointed. My hair wasn’t exactly glued together like it normally ends up being post Eco Styling Gel, but it certainly stayed in place. I know it’s for wet set curls, but I am adding it to the rotation!

Side note- part of me wishes there was not a consistent need to absolutely smooth my hair down. If only it could just exist in its wildest state.


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